special operations forces » weapons
Special Operations - Weapons
The following details the array of weaponry used by America's elite military units.
Assault Rifles / Carbines:
also known as the MK 18 Mod 0, this shortened version of the M4A1 is a favorite within the NSW communitymore info : CQBR
MK16 Mod 0 SCAR
A newly-developed series of 5.56mm assault rifles, carbines and light sniper riflesmore info : MK 16 Mod 0
MK17 Mod 0 SCAR
A family of 7.62mm carbines, assault rifles and light sniper riflesmore info : MK 17 Mod 0
MK 14 Mod 0 Enhanced Battle Rifle
A modernized M-14 rifle in use with the SEALs. more info : MK 14 Mod 0
M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle
The USMC use this variant of the HK416 in the automatic rifleman role. more info : M27 IAR
Sub Machine Guns:
M9 Beretta
The US Army's standard sidearm, the 9mm beretta is used by Rangers and other SOF units.more info : M9 Beretta
MEU(SOC) pistol
Modified version of the Colt 1911, developed for the USMC info : MEU(SOC) pistol
Sig Sauer P226 / P228
9mm pistols carried by Navy SEALs and SWCCs. info : Sig Sauer P226 / P228
Sig Sauer P239
Sub-compact 9mm pistols used by SEAL Team 6 info : Sig Sauer P239
Compact .45 handgun used by Navy SEALs info : HK45CT
Pistols in a range of sizes and calibres info : Glock pistols
M1014 Shotgun
12-gauge semi-automatic shotgun based on the Benelli M4 Super 90more info : M1014 Shotgun
Machine Guns:
M249 SAW
A 5.56mm light machine gun in wide use throughout the US military with variants developed for special ops forces. info : M249 SAW
Mk 46 Machine Gun
A special ops variant of the M249 SAW info : Mk 46 Machine Gun
Mk 48 Machine Gun
A scaled-up variant of the Mk 46, chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO info : Mk 48 Machine Gun
M240 machine gun
Versatile 7.62mm belt-fed medium machine gun that can be carried or mounted on tripods, vehicles, boats and helicopters. info : M240
M2 heavy machine gun
.50 caliber gun fired often mounted on SOF boats, vehicles and helicopters.more info : M2
multi-barrelled 7.62mm electrically-operated gatling gun mounted on boats, helicopters and vehicles. info : Minigun
Sniper Rifles:
SR-25 (MK 11 / M110)
A medium range 7.62mm sniper rifle used by units such as the Rangersmore info : SR-25
MK 20 Mod 0 Sniper Support Rifle
Designated marksman's rifle based on the SCAR-HM14 DMR
The Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) - a 7.62mm medium sniper rifle based around the M14 rifleM39 EMR
The Enhanced Marksmanship Rifle (EMR) - a 7.62mm medium sniper rifle used by MARSOC and other USMC unitsmore info : Enhanced Marksmanship Rifle
XM2010 enhanced Sniper Rifle (ESR)
New and improved U.S. Army sniper rifle configured to use the .300 Win Mag cartridgemore info : XM2010 ESR
M82a1 / M107 Barrett
devastating .50 caliber long range sniper rifle used by SEALs, Delta etc. more info : Barret rifle
MK 15 Mod 0 SASR
.50 caliber long range sniper rifle used by US Navy SEALs more info : MK 15 Mod 0 SASR
Grenade Launchers:
M320 Grenade Launcher
40mm grenade launcher in attached and stand-alone configurationsmore info : M320
MK 13 Mod O Grenade Launcher
40mm grenade launcher for the new MK 16 and MK17 riflesmore info : MK 13 Mod 0
MK 47 Striker Grenade Launcher
advanced, computer-assisted 40mm automatic grenade launcher info : MK 47
Rocket / Missile Launchers:
vietnam-era 66mm rocket launcher still in use with US SOF info : M72 LAW
Carl Gustav Recoilless Rifle
versatile rocket launcher in use with SOCOM units info : Carl Gustav
M136 AT4
84mm one-shot rocket launcher info : M136
FGM-148 Javelin
fire-and-forget anti-tank missile system info : FGM-148 Javelin
FIM-92 Stinger
man-portable anti-aircraft systems info : FIM-92 Stinger

Special Forces training includes becoming familiar with the various weapons used by the enemy, including the ubiquitous Kalashnikov.
U.S. Army Photo by Specialist David Gunn / released