Force Recon Platoon | 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit

The 31st MEU's Force Recon Platoon patrol the deck of a ship during Visit Board Search & Seizure (VBSS) training, 2011.
The Force Recon Platoon (FRP)is part of the MEU's Command Element.
The FRP is at the sharp end of the MEU's special operations arm, the Maritime Raid Force.
Force Recon Platoons are highly trained in maritime interdiction operations, which may include retaking vessels hijacked by pirates.
The Force Recon Marines are wearing Full Spectrum Battle Equipment (FSBE II) gear over sage green CWU-27/P Nomex fire-retardant flight suits.
Their MICH 2000 helmets feature 3-point Norotos NVG shrouds and various rail-mounted accessories.
Most of this 4-man team are sporting M4a1s fitted with SU231 holographic sights, except for the Marine, 2nd from left, who's M4a1 is toting a M68 CCO (Aimpoint CompM4) Red Dot Sight.
All have AN/PEQ-15 laser pointer/illuminators atop their M4s.