1st Recon - M249 Gunner

1st Recon - M249
DoD photo by SGT. Ezekiel Kitandwe

A Reconnaissance Marine with Bravo Company, the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion (1st Recon), engages the enemy with a M249 Para 5.56mmx45mm belt-fed light machine gun, Northern Trek Nawa, Afghanistan, August 2010.

Reconnaissance Battalions typically perform ground and amphibious reconnaissance operations for their Marine Air Ground Task Force Ground Combat Element Commander.

In Afghanistan, 1st Recon carried out numerous patrols, probing into enemy territory in and around Marjah, Helmand Province, resulting in fire fights like the one pictured here.

The Taliban nicknamed 1st Recon the 'Black Diamonds', a reference to the diamond-shaped NVG mount on the Recon Marines' helmets.

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