75th Ranger Regiment Soldier

A Ranger with the 75th Ranger Regiment takes aim with his M4a1 carbine during a demonstration.
The Ranger is wearing a MICH helmet fitted with a NVD mount holding a set of PVS-15 Night Visions Goggles (NVGs).
His M4a1 is fitted with a SU-231 PEQ (EOTech 553) holographic sight, AN-PEQ-15 ATPIAL laser pointer/illuminator, daniel defense sopmod block ii upper and SU-233 visible light.
He is wearing Gen3 knee-pads over his multicam pants.
The 75th Ranger Regiment is a U.S. Army Special Operations regiment with airborne capabilities.
A component of U.S. Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) and United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Rangers carry out a range of missions including direct action raids, personnel recovery and airfield seizures.
Rangers have played a key role in the global war on terror.
They were among the first SOF into Afghanistan in 2001, where they supported Army Special Forces.
More recently, they have being working alongside Afghan forces as part of a continuing counter insurgency (COIN) campaign.