U.S. Marshals Special Response Team

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Members of a U.S. Marshals Special Response Team (SRT) walk a suspect towards a decontamination line during a training exercise at Fort Detrick, 2011.
The SRT operators are wearing MSA CBRN respirators to protect against hazardous fumes and biological agents (the 'suspects' in the exercise where a hate group suspected of possessing Anthrax).
The United States Marshal Service (USMS) fields Special Response Teams at the district level.
The SRT is a tactical unit that is roled with making high risk arrests and other special law enforcement operations.
SRT members have undergone specialized tactical training and have access to specialized equipment.
The USMS covers 94 federal judicial districts although not all of these currently have active SRTs.
The USMS also has a Special Operations Group (SOG) which is a tactical unit that operates at the national level.