MSST - Maritime Law Enforcement / Force Protection Operator

A member with a United States Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Team (MSST) Maritime Law Enforcement and Force Protection Team (MLE/FP) members moves across the deck of USNS Henry J.
Kaiser (T-AO 187) during an exercise.
Note the circular saw stowed across the MSST operator's back.
This breaching tool may be used to cut through locked doorways.
The Law Enforcement and Force Protection Team are the MSST's ship boarding and searching specialists.
They train to board vessels - both underway and docked - via small boat (hook and climb) and helicopter (fast-rope insertion).
The MLE/FP train and operate as a maritime tactical team and are outfitted appropriately.
This operator is wearing a MICH 2001 helmet with mount for PVS-15 NVG, Liberator III headset linked to Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-152A Wideband Networking Handheld radio, eye protection, black fire-retardant balaclava, navy blue fire-retardant flight suit, soft IIIA body armor, MARCIRAS plate carrier plus pouches for 30-round M4/CQBR magazines, flashbang grenades, dump pouch, pistol mags, handcuffs and gasmasks.
They also carry a strobe light, infrared strobe, flashlight, glow sticks and flex cuffs.
Primary weapon is typically a MK18 CQBR carbine with a M9 9mm pistol as a secondary.