ANGLICO | Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company
Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO) are an elite United States Marines Corps (USMC) unit tasked with calling in air strikes and artillery fires in support of their attached formation.
The 'Liaison' part of their name refers to ANGLICO's role in coordinating, synchronizing and deconflicting air strikes and artillery fires for the Joint, Allied or Coalition force operating in or adjacent to the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) battlespace. ANGLICO liaise between the MAGTF commander and the commander of the unit they are attached to.
ANGLICO forward air controllers (FACs), otherwise known as JTACs, are tasked with calling in close air support (CAS) from attack aircraft and helicopters. ANGLICO forward artillery observers are trained to call in and coordinate ground-based fires such as mortars, self-propelled artillery, MLRS rocket launchers as well as naval gunfire from ships out to sea. ANGLICO have the distinction of being the only US DoD unit capable of bringing in fire support from air, sea and land. They regular support Special Operations Forces.
ANGLICO typically deploy to the battlefield in small teams, although the team size differs depending on mission requirements. ANGLICO teams often operate in the deep battle space, typically as an independent entity, other times embedded with forward troops. Sometimes a single ANGLICO Marine may be attached to a Special Operations unit, much in the same way a single Air Force Combat Controller (CCT) might. ANGLICO teams are trained to remain undetected by the enemy and not to engage in direct combat unless absolutely necessary. However, due to their often high risk missions, ANGLICO maintain a skill set similar to special operations forces, employing small unit tactics in order to fight their way out of trouble if needed. ANGLICO personnel undergo Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) training. ANGLICO maintain a parachute and small boat insertion capability.
ANGICO - Organization
There are 3 active duty and 2 reserve component ANGLICO companies within the USMC:
- 1st Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (1st ANGLICO)
I Marine Expeditionary Force
- 2nd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (2nd ANGLICO)
II Marine Expeditionary Force
- 3rd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (3rd ANGLICO)
Marine Forces Reserve
- 4th Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (4th ANGLICO)
Marine Forces Reserve
- 5th Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (5th ANGLICO)
III Marine Expeditionary Force
Each ANGLICO company consists of approximately 42 Marine officers, 150 Marine enlisted, 3 Navy officers and 6 Navy enlisted.
Division Cell
Division Cell serves as the senior USMC fires liaison between the MAGTF and the supported division headquarters. The ANGLICO commander situates his HQ in Division Cell.
Brigade Platoon
Each ANGLICO Company includes 3 Brigade Platoons (BDE PLT) (2 deployed, 1 training). They are tasked with supporting friendly brigades. Although configured mainly as a command post, elements of the the Brigade Platoon may also deploy to the deep battle space as needed.
Supporting Arms Liaison Team
Configured for Liaison with battalion-sized elements, Supporting Arms Liaison Team or SALTs are 10-man teams of Marines and Sailors, led by a Naval aviator on a ground tour as FAC. There are 2 SALTs per Brigade Platoon.
Firepower Control Team
ANGLICO Firepower Control Teams (FCTs), are the basic unit of deployment. A typical 4 to 5-man FCT is made up of:
- Team Leader (Caption or Navy Lieutenant)
any ground MOS - typically JTAC-qualified artillery officer- Team Chief (Sergeant)
typically qualified as JFO (joint fires observer) and as a JTAC- Radio Chief (Corporal or Sergeant)
- Junior Radio Operator (Private First Class / Lance Corporal)
- Fire Support Man / Scout Observer (Private First Class / Lance Corporal)
Each SALT includes 2 FCTs.