Military Free-Fall Parachutist Course

Military Free-Fall Parachutist Course
photo : USASOC

Special Forces soldiers perform a parachute jump as part of the Military Free-Fall Parachutist Course (MFFPC) at Military Free-Fall School at Yuma Proving Ground in Yuma, Arizona.

Green Berets assigned to a military free-fall position in a HALO ODA, having previously completed a a SWCS-recognized static-line jumpmaster course, attend the MFFPC in order to learn HALO/HALO skills.

note: the MFFPC will be restructured in fiscal-year 2013 in order to teach the maximum number of Special Forces soldiers in MFF skills, with the goal of the Special Forces having a regiment-wide military free-fall insertion capability.

The Military Free-Fall Parachutist Course lasts for 4 weeks and consists of 2 modules:

Module A
Military Free-Fall Ground Training is taught at Fort Bragg, N.C.

Students learn how to pack the MC-4 main parachute, don the MC-4 system, aircraft procedures, emergency procedures and body stabilization.

Module B
Military Free-Fall Operations is taught at Yuma Proving Ground, Ariz.

Students learn how to exit an aircraft from the door and ramp using dive- and poised-exit positions.

They also learn how to rig weapons and combat equipment and use portable oxygen equipment.

Military free-fall parachute operations consist of a minimum of 23 military free-fall parachute jumps from altitudes of 10,000 to 25,000 Feet with and without weapons, combat equipment and supplemental oxygen system in day and night conditions.

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