Special Forces - Firing MK18 CQBR

special forces - firing CQBR
USASFC(A) Photo by Staff SGT. Marcus Butler

A U.S. Army Special Forces soldier moves forward while firing his MK18 CQBR carbine during a close quarters battle (CQB) demonstration.

Note the sizable muzzle flash - caused by hot gases being expelled from the muzzle with each shot - visible in this image.

This Green Beret is wearing a woodland Multicam BDU.

He is wearing Merrell Moab hiking shoes and Under Armour Blackout combat assault gloves.

He has on a MICH 2001 helmet with Peltor Comtac II headset/hearing protector.

He has a Glock pistol in Safariland 6004 holster on his hip.

His MK18 CQBR is fitted with a Crane stock, anEOTech 553 Holographic Sight, Insight Technology M3X Flashlight Illuminatorand Insight Technology AN/PEQ-15 or ATIPAL IR Laser device.

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