Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team - 3rd FAST Company

DoD photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Peter D. Lawlor, U.S. Navy. (Released)
Armed with M4A1 carbines, U.S. Marines assigned to 3rd Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) Company, 1st Platoon perform combat drills on the deck of the USS Blue Ridge, March 2008.
The FAST Team was deployed to provide security for 7th Fleet staff personnel participating in a joint naval exercise.
Fleet Antiterrorism Security Teams are part of the Marine Corps Security Force Regiment.
FAST Platoons deploy around the globe in order to reinforce security at key U.S. Navy and Government installations, including U.S. embassies and consulates.
There are currently 3 FAST Companies (1st, 2nd, 3rd), each comprising an HQ element.
and 6 50-man FAST Platoons.