Washington State Patrol SWAT

Members of Washington State Patrol (WSP) Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team move out from their Lenco B.
armored vehicle during a hostage rescue exercise at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island.
Washington State Patrol's SWAT team is an element of their Investigative Assistance Division and comprises specially-trained detectives and troopers.
Aside from being able to respond to general SWAT tasking, WSP's SWAT focuses on counter-narcotics operations.
Weapons employed by the SWAT personnel include AR-15 variants, MP5 sub-machine guns and Smith & Wesson M&P40 pistols chambered in .
40 S&W.
Clothing includes camoflague jump suits and black or green Nomex fire-retardant suits.
WSP SWAT comprises a command element, along with 2 Entry Teams (Gold, Blue), a Marksman / Observer team and a team of Negotiators.
Each Entry Team is led by Team Leader and Assistant Team Leader.