MSRT Precision Marksmen Observer Team

Precision Marksmen Observer Team
U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Anderson

Marksmen with USCG Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT) Precision Marksmen Observer Team (PMOT) armed with SR-25 7.62mm x 51mm medium sniper rifles.

MSRT marksmen specialize in shooting from unstable platforms such as helicopters and boats.

They are also trained observers and intelligence gatherers.

PMOTs typically provide overwatch for other MSRT operators as they take down an objective.

Maritime Security Response Teams are a U.S. Coast Guard specialized force and are part of the Deployable Operations Group.

MSRTs are a maritime counter terrorism rapid response unit.

The SR-25 is semi-automatic sniper rifle, variants of which are commonly used by SOCOM units such as U.S. Army Special Forces and the Navy SEALs.

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