Special Reaction Team - Breach

Having debussed from their Bearcat G3 armored vehicle, members of Fort Hood's Special Reaction Team (SRT) prepare to breach a building during a barricaded suspect training scenario.
Making entry into a building containing hostiles is an extremely dangerous activity.
The SRT operators train extensively in order to make such an entry as quickly and effective as possible.
The teams will employ a range of equipment such as battering rams, ballistic shields (as seen above), tear gas and flash bang stun grenades in the hope of dis orientating and overwhelming and overpowering the suspect(s) sheltering inside.
SRTs are the Military Police version of civilian Police Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams.
They train and operate alongside other law enforcement entities, both military and civilian for a range of scenarios that include hostage taking, terrorist attacks and active shooters.
Given that they are stationed at the location they protect, the SRT is likely to be among the first units to respond to a crisis scenario.
The Special Reaction Team at Fort Hood is an element of the 178th Military Police Detachment, 89th MP Brigade.