special operations forces » coast guard special forces » maritime security response team
Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT)
The Coast Guard's Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT) is a tactical unit that specializes in maritime counter terrorism and high risk law enforcement. MSRT are trained to board and secure vessels including those held by terrorists holding hostages.
The Maritime Security Response Team is under the USCG's Atlantic regional command.
MSRTs is made up of a number of elements:
- Direct Action Section (DAS)
the assault element of the MSRT tasked with boaridng and securing a maritime objective. They are highly-trained in Close Quarters Combat (CQC) and boarding techniques including boarding from small boats and helicopters.. DAS operators were tactical gear of the type worn by Police SWAT teams and are armed with CQBR 5.56mmx45mm carbines, 12-guage shotguns and 9mm pistols.
- Precision Marksmen Observer Team (PMOT)
Typically comprising a marksman and spotter, the PMOT provide overwatch for MSRT DAS operations. PMOTs can set up on land, boat or even shoot from helicopters.
- Tactical Delivery Team (TDT)
Tactical Delivery Team boat crews operate rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIBs) in order to transport MSRT DAS teams onto their objectives. TDTs are trained in advanced vessel handling techniques, including the stealthy approach of vessels underway.
- CBRNE Section
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, High Yield Explosive (CBRNE) specialists who's role is to counter CBRNE terrorist threats in the Maritime domain.
MSRT Video
MSRT Photos

Maritime Security Response Team Direct Action Section dressed in full tactical gear.
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U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Patrick Kelley