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Special Operations - Video

A selection of video clips featuring American Special Operations Forces

Army Special Forces
U.S. Army Special Forces
A collection of footage of U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Berets) in action.
USMC Special Ops
USMC Special Operations
Videos featuring MSOBs, Force Recon, Special Reaction Teams etc.
TRF Training
TRF Training
USAF Tactical Response Force (TRF) undergoing training.
USCG DSF Training
Video showing the basic tactical operators course (BTOC) undertaken by USCG Deployable Specialized Forces.
ATF Special Response Team
A look at the ATF SWAT team, the SRT
Package featuring NASA's SWAT team, the Emergency Response Team (ERT)
Special Tactics
Special Tactics Airmen
USAF Special Tactics Airmen training U.S. Army soldiers.
USCG Deployable Specialized Forces
B-roll of various Coast Guard special ops units.
USCG Deployable Operations Group
2007 package featuring the USCG DOG and its various components in action.
CV-22 Osprey Refueling
352d Special Operations Group perform mid-air refueling between CV-22 Osprey aircraft and MC-130P tankers.
u.s. aand aussie sof
U.S. / Aussie SOF
Special Operations Forces from the U.S.A. and Australia conducting joint training.
combat rescue training
Combat Rescue Training
Pararescumen undergo combat rescue training.
SWAT Team traning video
SWAT Team Training
Police SWAT Team training at military facility.
CV-22 Osprey
CV-22 Osprey - AFSOC
Package on the CV-22 Osprey and its use by Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC).
Navy SEALs demo
Navy SEALs - Demo
Video report featuring Navy SEALs putting on a demo.
inside AC-130
Inside AC-130
Footage taken inside an AC-130 gunship.
SWAT training
SWAT Teams
Civilian and Military Police SWAT teams train at Fort Bragg
emerald warrior 2012
Emerald Warrior 2012
Package on Emerald Warrior 2012, a large scale SOF exercise.
special opscapex
Special Ops CAPEX
B-roll of special operations forces from the U.S. and partner countries perfoming a capabilities demo
special ops demo
Special Ops Demo
Assorted special operations units putting on a demonstration in Tampa Bay, 2012
MSST - Vertical Insertion
USCG Maritime Safety & Security Team conducting fast-rope training
Maritime Security Response Team
Footage of the Coast Guard's elite MSRT.
MSRT - oil rig
MSRT - Oil Rig Take Down
The USCG's elite counterterrorism unit storm an oil rig during a training exercise.
Navy SEALs
Navy SEALs
8-part series of footage featuring the Navy SEALs
SWCC video
US Navy feature on the SWCC.
Army Rangers
Ranger Training Brigade - Demo
Skills demo by Army Rangers
Rangers - Afghanistan Parachute Jump
DoD footage of Rangers jumping into Afghanistan, 2001
army rangers
Army Rangers
Army Rangers taking part in Ranger Rendezvous 2011
CV-22 Ospreys
CV-22 Osprey B-Roll
B-roll of AFSOC CV-22 Ospreys
Air Force Special Operations Command Special Tactics units conduct training
cv-22 osprey
CV-22 Osprey
News report on the new CV-22 Osprey and its introduction into AFSOC service.
MH-53 Retirement
Pentagon report on the retirement of the venerable MH-53 helicopter from AFSOC service.
afsoc aircraft
AFSOC Aircraft
Footage of MH-53 Pavelow helicopters and AC-130 Gunships
air commandos
Air Commandos
Report on the Air Commandos - USAF Special Tactics Teams - CCTs, PJs, SOWTs.
delta force
Iraq - hostage rescue
Officially released footage showing Delta Force operation to free Polish and Italian workers who had been kidnapped in Iraq.
sf 160th soar
Special Forces - 160th SOAR
Footage of 1st Special Forces Group, Korean Special Forces and 160th SOAR MH-47s
soar little birds
160th SOAR Little Birds
Stunning footage of SOAR MH-6 helicopters inserting SOF onto rooftops in Iraq.
dap gunship
160th SOAR DAP Gunship
Clip of a MH60L DAP gunship firing at ground targets during operations in Iraq.
soar dap
160th SOAR DAP Gunship - extended clip
Much longer clip of MH-60L DAP and AH-6J gunships carrying out close air support (CAS) in urban Iraq.
160th soar
160th SOAR - Insurgents Takedown
Amazing clip of SOAR MH-60 Blackhawks swooping down on insurgents in Iraq.
little birfd
160th SOAR - Little Birds - Iraq
MH-6 helicopters and US SOF intercept a car in Iraq
160th soar
Video of Night Stalkers and other SOF preparing for a NASCAR demo
AC-130 Gun Camera Footage
Outstanding footage shot through the gun camera of a AC-130 Gunship over Afghanistan.
ac-130u spooky
AC-130U Spooky
Package showing the AC-130U Spooky gunship in flight and engaging targets.

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