First Recon - Iraq Invasion
Marines from the First Reconnaissance Battalion (First Recon) were among the 1st US ground forces to enter Iraq from the south. Contrary to established Reconnaissance doctrine, which favored small teams of men, typically being covertly inserted by air or from the water, and operating on foot to carry out pre-planned direct action or reconnaissance missions, First Recon deployed in full Battalion strength and operated in sizable convoys of HMMWVs. The Marines of First Recon called the experience, "The Best Spring Break Ever".
This unfamiliar way of operating was part of the new Pentagon Doctrine of Maneuver Warfare that was being applied to the invasion of Iraq. and which emphasized light forces moving rapidly across the battlefield, relying on speed rather than firepower to prevail.
First Recon were the tip of the spear. From their base at Camp Matilda, Kuwait, columns of First Recon HMMWVs pushed North into Iraq, heading along route 7 towards the Euphrates river where they planned to secure a vital bridge for follow-on forces. As the battlefield changed, the bridge mission was scrubbed. First Recon continued to move deeper into Iraq, seeking out and coming into contact with both regular and irregular Iraqi forces. Some notable incidents included:
- First Recon supported operations against Iraqi militia around the city of Nasiriyah
(google earth kmz file)
- First Recon fought a running battle through the town of Al Gharaff
Al Gharraf
- First Recon strong pointed the town of Ar Rifa, calling in artillery that destroyed the Baath headquarters, leading to the town's liberation
Ar Rifa
- Elements of First Recon seized an Iraqi airfield, beating a British Parachute Regiment to the objective
Qalat Sikar Airbase
- Separating from the Battalion, Alpha company participated in the liberation of the town of Ash Shatrah
Ash Shatrah
- First Recon circled around the city Al Haay then established road blocks to its north, shutting off escape routes as other Marine forces (Regimental Combat Team 1) took the town
Al Hayy
- In a daring night mission, First Recon, seized the bridge into Al Muwaffaqiyah, later pushing through the town
Al Muwaffaqiyah
- Moving North towards Al Kut, 1st Recon learn they will not in fact enter the city as expected. It turnes out that the 1st Marine Division, with 1st Recon at the fore, were instrumental in a deception plan successfully convinced the Iraqis that US forces would be coming through Al Kut, causing them to draw forces away from Baghdad in order to stop the Marine's advance.
Al Kut
- As regular US forces pushed into Baghdad, 1st Recon circled around and above the north of the capital, towards Baqubah, in order to reconnoiter and engage suspected Republican Guard units in the area. 1st Recon were accompanied by LAVs from the 1st Marine Division's 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battallion and a company of reservist Recon Marines. The Marines fought a number of battles with Iraqi forces until reaching Baqubah.
- 1st Recon took up residency in a factory in Baghdad and carried out a number of patrols out into the populace.