United States Marine Corps - Special Operations
United States Marines are already an elite fighting force and have a fine record of performing special operations. This page links to all the various Marine Corps special operations forces that are Featured on this website.

United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) is an umbrella organization covering several USMC special ops forces, including Marine Special Operations Companies.
more info : MARSOC
Force Reconnaissance (Force Recon)

Force Recon Marines are the elite deep reconnaissance teams of the Marine Corps.
more info : Force Recon
Reconnaissance Battalions

While not technically special operations forces, the Marines of Marine Division Recon are an elite cadre of highly-trained reconnaissance operators.

Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company - elite Marines and Sailors tasked with calling in artillery fires and close air support.
Radio Reconnaissance Teams (RRT)

Specialised SIGINT units that carry out special operations.
more info : Radio Reconnaissance Teams
Maritime Raid Force (MRF)

Marine Expeditionary Units(MEUs) include a specially-trained raiding force.
Maritime Special Purpose Force (MSPF)

Deployed with each Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) (MEU(SOC)) was the Maritime Special Purpose Force (MSPF). (now stood down and replaced by the Maritime Raid Force concept).
more info : Maritime Special Purpose Force
Marine Corps Special Reaction Team

An elite specialist USMC Military Police S.W.A.T. unit.
Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team

FAST Platoons deploy globally to protect USMC, Navy and other U.S. facilities from a range of threats.
Recapture Tactics Team

USMC Close Quarter Battle Team protecting US Navy facilties.