special operations forces » special operations weapons » M590 shotgun
M500 / M590 Shotgun
The M500 / M590 (Mossberg M500) is a 12-gauge shotgun in use within the US military, including special operations units.
The M500 / M590 is available with a range of barrel lengths, from 14 to 30 inches and tube magazine capacities of 5-8 shells.
A more sturdy version of the M590, the M590a1, features an aluminum trigger guard and safety and a heavier barrel.
Many M590s in the US military arsenals have now been superceded by the more expensive M1014 semi-automatic shotgun.
M590 Specifications
weight : | 7.2 lbs (empty) |
length : | 34.9 inches |
barrel length : | 14 to 30 inches |
rate of fire : | single-fire, pump-action |
effective range : | 40 meters |
caliber : | 12 gauge |
magazine : | 5-8 rounds internal tube magazine |
M500 - Images and Further Info

Mossberg 590 with 20 inch barrel.
US DoD Photo

A US sailor ejects a spent shell from a M500 during training.
US DoD Photo

A USAF Crisis Intervention Team member armed with a Mossberg 590 (center). As with other 12-gauge shotguns, the Mossberg can fire a range of shells, including non-lethal, breaching and tear gas rounds.

Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) Marines fire M500 shotguns during training.
U.S. Navy Photo by Photographer's Mate Second Class Chantel M. Clayton