Special Forces - SCUBA Team

Special Forces SCUBA
U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Steven Young

Shrouded in darkness and only visible through a night vision camera, Special Forces combat divers with the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) pull security after having come ashore during a training mission.

The Green Berets entered the water from a zodiac inflatable then covertly swam in using twin-80 open circuit SCUBA tanks.

The divers would later move inland to conduct close quarters battle (CQB) training.

One of the 6 Operational Detachement-Alphas (ODAs) within each Special Forces Company will be a SCUBA team (also called a Dive team).

SF SCUBA teams specialize in waterborne infiltration methods.

In a real world scenario, a Green Beret combatant diver is more likely to use Draeger LAR-V close-circuit rebreathers than the open-circuit setup pictured here.

Aside from being more bulky and more heavy, open-circuit systems release air into the water when the diver exhales.

This has 2 disadvantages.

The exhaled bubbles can easily be detected and the difference in pressure between the air tanks and the diver's lungs mean that every inhalation slightly increases his bouyancy.

Draeger LAR-Vs also allow the driver to remain submerged for up to 4 hours at a time - much longer than with the Twin-80 system.

The main advatange of open circuit systems is that the diver can operate and greater depths than the LAR-V use, who must keep relatively close to the surface.

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