Isabella County Emergency Services Team

Wearing woodland camouflage and armed with M4 rifles, Officers with the Isabella County Emergency Services Team (ICEST) form a stack during a training exercise at Central Michigan University (CMU).
The ICEST is a multi-jurisdictional SWAT team that is made up Police Officers from the CMU Police Department, Isabella County Sheriff's Department, and the Mount Pleasant Police Department.
The Isabella County EST carries out reactive missions such as dealing with barricaded suspects, school/university shootings, hostage rescue etc.
They also perform pre-planned special law enforcement operations such as serving high risk arrests warrants.
The ICEST is organized into crisis negotiators, tactical officers and a sniper element.
A typical EST operation will be overseen by senior officer from within a mobile command center.
ICEST candidates undergo an initial interview followed by fitness tests.
Tactical officers undergo training in typical SWAT techniques i.e. methods of entry, room clearing, Close Quarters Combat (CQC) etc.
Basic standards of weapon proficiency are maintained by those serving in the EST.
The Isabella County Emergency Services Team holds monthly training exercises in order to maintain its capabilities.