Tactical Response Force | 'Nuclear SWAT Team'

Airmen with the 341st Security Forces Group, Malmstrom Air Force Base, Tactical Response Force (TRF), stack up and prepare to enter a building during a hostage rescue exercise.
Note the ballistic shield deployed by the point man and the M9 pistols used by the TRF operators.
The Tactical Response Force is a SWAT-style unit that protects Malmstrom AFB's personnel, facilities and strategic nuclear weapons.
They are one of several such 'nuclear SWAT teams' that protect USAF nuclear assets at locations around the country.
Like their USMC counterparts in the Recapture Tactics Teams (RTTs), TRF teams are highly trained in CQB, explosive entry, close precision engagement and other small unit techniques.
They are on alert to carry out recapture and recovery operations at their assigned air base and at ICMB missile silos and associated launch facilities.