special operations forces » equipment » an/peq-2
AN/PEQ-2 Laser
Th//e AN/PEQ-2 is an infrared laser aiming, illumination and pointer device that is attached to various weapons carried by US Special Operations Forces (SOF).
PEQ-2s produce light that can only be seen by wearing night vision goggles (nvgs). The device features 2 lasers, one with a narrow beam which is used for aiming the weapon or as a pointer for indicating targets to others, and one with a wider beam that is used as a flashlight for illuminting an area.
AN/PEQ-2 Configurations

AN/PEQ-2 fitted atop a M4A1
Mode | Marking | Targeting laser | Illumination laser |
0 | OFF | off | off |
1 | AIM LO | low power | off |
2 | DUAL LO | low power | low power |
3 | AIM HI | high power | off |
4 | DUAL LO/HI | high power | low power |
5 | DUAL HI | high power | high power |
AN/PEQ-2 - Video, Images And Further Information
Video showing US Special Forces and Iraqi troops battling insurgents in Iraq. This film is shot through a night vision device and so the lasers from the troop's PEQ-2s can be clearly seen.

A USAF Combat Controller mans a M240 belt-fed machine gun fitted with a eotech sight and an AN/PEQ-2
U.S. Dod Photo