Combatant Craft Medium (CCM) Mk1
The Combatant Craft Medium (CCM) Mk 1 is a relatively new addtion to the Naval Special Warfare fleet, coming into initial service in late 2015. CCMs are operated by SWCC Special Boat Teams.
The CCM is a partial replacement for the MK V Special Operations Craft (MK V SOC) (now-retired from service), and the NSW RHIB (numbers of which are to be reduced). It is a low observable, reconfigurable, multi-mission surface tactical mobility craft with a primary role to insert and extract special operations forces in low-medium threat environments. It can also provide limited fire support, carry out maritime interdiction and visit board search and seizure (VBSS) missions, counter terrorism and foreign internal defence operations.

Combatant Craft Medium Features:
The CCM features a double aluminum hull that is resistant to small arms fire. It is powered by propellors driven by 2 diesel engines. The craft features an enclosed cabin and open rear deck. The boat's construction includes shock mitigation features designed to reduce physical stress received by it occupants.
The CCM Mk1 cannot be airdropped under parachutes but it can be transported via C-17A Globemaster III aircraft (the Mk V SOC requried a Galaxy C5). The craft can be deployed from large surface craft such as the San Antonio class LPD and Wasp class LHD.
CCM Mk1 Equipment
Sensors aboard the CCM include a Combatant Craft Forward Looking Infrared (CCFLIR) pod mounted atop the cabin. This sensor array includes stabilized infrared, day color and low light cameras and an integrated laser range finder and pointer.
Other systems on the CCM Mk1 include:- GPS navigation
- IFF (identification Friend or Foe) gear
- VHF/HF/UHF/FM Net & wideband SATCOMM
CCM Mk1 Weapons
The craft has provisions for the mounting of various weapon systems at stations on the rear deck. These weapons include:
A remote weapon system (RWS) housing a .50 cal machine gun may be mounted on the bow. The RWS is operated from within the cabin enclosure.
CCM Mk1 - Specifications
Crew | 4 Crew |
Capacity | Crew + 19 SEALs + mission equipment |
Length | 60 ft |
Payload | 7750 lbs |
Max Speed | 50+ knots |
Range | 400 nautical miles |
Armament | remote weapon station on bow with .50 cal hmg mounts situated towards stern for: M2HB .50 machine guns M240g machine guns Mk19 40 40mm grenade launchers |
Avionics | Combatant Craft Forward Looking Infrared Maritime radar GPS navigation Secure radio communications (UHF/VHF/SATCOMMs) |