Psychological Warfare | PSYOPS
The 4th Military Information Support Group (Airborne) and the 8th Military Information Support Group (Airborne) are US Army special operations units under the command of U.S. Army Special Operations Command, (USASOC), which is itself under the command of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).
4th / 8th Military Information Support Group (Airborne) - Role
PSYOP units carry out a range of psychological operations designed to influence enemy forces or civilian populations. PYSOP units use the following techniques:
- printing and distributing leaflets
- broadcasting on loudspeakers
- broadcasting via radio / television
Psychological operations can be used to encourage an enemy force to surrender or to provoke a confrontation. They can also be employed to influence civilian populations, a role which sees them work closely with specialists from the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade.
Military Information Support Groups (Airborne) - Organization
A Military Information Support Group currently consists of a Headquarters Company, several Regional Military Information Support battalions and one Dissemination Battalion (4th MISG (A)) or one Tactical Battalion (8th MISG (A)). The Regional PSYOP Battalions are regionally oriented and support the Regional Combatant Commands in the planning and production of PSYOP programs.
4th Military Information Support Group (Airborne)
- 3rd Military Information Support Bn (A) (Media Dissemination Battalion)
- 6th Military Information Support Bn (A) - United States European Command (EUCOM)
- 7th Military Information Support Bn (A) - United States Africa Command (AFRICOM)
- 8th Military Information Support Bn (A) - United States Central Command (CENTCOM)
8th Military Information Support Group (Airborne)
- 1st Military Information Support Bn (A) - United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)
- 5th Military Information Support Bn (A) - United States Pacific Command (USPACOM)
- 9th Military Information Support Bn (A) - (Tactical)
The 8th MISG (A) was activated on August 26th, 2011.
Both the 4th MISG (A) and 8th MISG (A) are based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Military Information Support Group - Operations
Elements from the 4th Psychological Operations Group have carried out operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Soldiers from the the 4th Psychological Operations Group supported the Ranger operations at Objective Rhino in the early stages of Operation Enduring Freedom.