Photo : US DoD

Marines assigned to MSOB DASR (direct action special reconnaissance), MARSOC fire their M4A1 carbines on the range.

The 1st and 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalions (1st and 2nd MSOB) are designated as DASR battalions *.

As the name indicates, these MSOBs focus on direct action raids and reconnaissance operations.

Direct Action (DA) operations are defined as raids of limited duration by special operations forces e.


an operation to clear a compound of enemy forces.

The DA mission requires extensive training in close quarters combat techniques and other small unit tactics.

Special Reconnaissance (SR) missions involve covert intelligence gathering behind enemy lines, typically with the SR team avoiding direct contact with the enemy.

Special Reconnaissance operations are often the precursor to Direct Action raids.

A third battalion, named the Marine Special Operations Advisor Group (MSOAG), is geared towards Foreign Internal Defence (FID) operations ie training the military forces of other nations.

* note: the MSOAG has now been redesignated as the 3rd MSOB and is now tasked with general special operations missions.

All 3 MSOBs are capable of direct action, special reconnaissance and Foreign Internal Defense.

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