Special Reaction Team - Fort Carson

SRT Fort Carson
U.S. Army Photo by Andrea Stone

Members of Fort Carson's Special Reaction Team (SRT) form up along an outer wal lin preparation to storm a building during a training mission, Ocotober 2013.

Manned by specialy trained and selected Military Policemen with 148th MP Detachment, 759th MP Battalion, Fort Carson's SRT is an on-site SWAT-style tactical team that is ready to perform high risk law enforcement operations / respond to crisis at the US Army base in Colorado Springs, CO.

These SRT operators are armed with M4 carbines, adapted for use with simunition training rounds.

They are weaing level 4 ballistic vest over, fire-retardent overalls, impact gloves, respirators and kevlar balllsitc helmets over comms headsets/ear defenders.

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